Living with a rare disease for 28 years

The story of Vaso


I am Vaso, I am 28 years old from Greece and I was born with Congenital Heart Disease and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.

My disease allowed my body to form new ones which now I have to fight too for my whole life. I have, in addition to the ones I mentioned, minor kidney failure and osteopenia.

I also have some minor problems incuding a lung that works at 40%.

I am fighting these problems with a lot of people by my side. I love them all.

A message I want to spread is to educate yourself about rare diseases and most importantly about invisible diseases. An invisible disease is one that doesn’t give the person who has it syptoms that everyone can see like someone sitting on a wheelchair, not that those people don’t deserve respect but there are a lot of us who have symptoms that you can’t see.

Please educate yourself, learn about respecting us and support us and if you see someone who parks their car in a disabled spot and has “nothing wrong with him/her” stop and think!!!!

Happy Rare Disease day to everyone!!!!