Living the best I can with a rare disease

The story of Tammy

Hi I’m Tammy, you’ve probably come across my face before in the media as I’ve shared my experience before with people to raise awareness of my rare disease and I’m back again. So as many of you may already know, I have a rare disease called Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis. I won’t bore you too much but I think it’s important living with any illness that you raise awareness not just for yourself but also to encourage others to share their personal story with out the fear of being judged. My illness doesn’t define me but it is a big part in who I am. I believe if I didn’t have a physical health issue like this I probably wouldn’t understand chronic illnesses or how living with a illness or in pain all the time effects you as a person and how much it impacts you’re daily life. Life is hard anyway but then having to battle physically and now mentally and having a disease that can’t always be seen visibly is exta tough. Not alot of medical professionals know little of what causes the illness and up to now there’s no cure, and it’s hard to control because it’s rare. I hope i am given this amazing opportunity to connect with others and it would be great to make some friends along the way. I’d love to be able to help more people with rare diseases as I know exactly how it makes you feel.