The story of Maria

Hello my name is Maria i am 39 years old and I am from Cyprus. I was diagnosed with my rare disease in 2012. In March 2012 I had multiple episodes of spontaneous pneumothorax so I had to go in and out of the hospital to have a tube drained to remove the air. In April 2012 with the help of pulmonologist at the Nicosia General Hospital he ordered me to have axial scan of my chest and upper and lower abdomen to find out where all this coming from. Note here that I had 18 episodes of automatic pneumothorax on both sides. In 2013 I had a DNA test to determine my rare disease. For the past 8 years I have learned to live with sporadic Lymphangioleiomyomatosis in the context of Tuberous Sclerosis. I had 2 children before I was diagnosed who until today have learned to live with various complications that I have. I have been following an immunosuppressive treatment for 2 years. I have many problems but I get strength from my children and my husband.