The story of Mina

Mina is a 7 year old girl who was diagnosed at 1 with TTD, a rare genetic disorder that has a broad spectrum of what it can affect in the body. Unfortunately Minas case is one of the more severe. It affects everything head to toe on her with main complications being immunocompromised, malnutrition, and photosensitive. Minas only way she’s able to eat is by continuous tube feed. A common cold can send her to a lengthy hospital stay as it progresses quickly to pneumonia for her. Having photosensitivity, a simple car ride with no dark tint on windows will leave her with 2nd degree burns to her skin from the sun. There are many other complications that arouse from her TTD that she and her family learned to prevent while learning about her condition. Doctors know little about her condition, usually leading her parents to have to explain to the doctors on her specific conditions with her TTD, as there is different severity in the disorder. Regardless of being diabled both physically and mentally and all what she has been through, her smile and happiness she remains with can light up an entire room.