Life with Achalasia

The story of Erica

Oh man where do I begin. In 2008, I began noticing I was having difficulties drinking and eating. Every time that I would drink something or eat some thing I fell excruciating pain in my esophagus. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, it felt like the food was getting stuck. I finally got tests done and found out that I had achalasia. A year later in 2009 I ended up getting the Heller Myotomy surgery. It failed about six months after. And I have been dealing with this since then. I I have not let it define me and let it take over my life. But I also want to let others be aware of this disease and love to educate people on it who either have it or do not have as well. I want people who are struggling with this disease or anything in their life to know that I am there for them and willing to help them out.


*Find others with Achalasia on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases