Learning to live in a new world … BLINDNESS

The story of Chanel

Learning to live in my New World,At just 43 yrs old I lost my sight within 1 year. From needing glasses to a white cane.From Having a career to giving it up. After an agnosing yr of 52 pills a day Steroids iron immunosuppressants pain killers vitamin b12 and D3 anti sickness and nystatins amongst others . They decided nothing was working and made me very unwell and stopped all the Drugs.In Valentines Day 2018 i was discharged from the rare disease clinic there is no more they can do. I have now been referred to a low vision clinic and my CVI has been completed. This is a rare disease with not much knowledge and certainly no Cure … I just wanted to say to everyone Stay Strong Be Positive Its a Big World we live in and we only get 1 shot at it. Live everyday like its your last. We may Be Blind but we are still HumanÂ