Knowledge removes fear

The story of Claudia

We’re the Salas family. We live in Argentina. We have 3 kids, two with WD: Valentino (16) and Lola (10)

Lola was 5 when the disease was discovered on May 31, 2015 and getting a diagnosis was not easy. Lola had no symptoms; she only had to had a pre-surgical analysis done and it stated that her liver enzymes were excessively high. It took us one year to get a diagnosis, with blood tests carried out every 20 or 30 days, until a liver biopsy was finally performed. 

Following her diagnosis doctors studied her brothers, and they informed us that Valentino also has the disease. Luckily they’re both without symptons, but it’s very worrying to know that it is a lifelong disease.

Currently they are being medicated with zinc acetate, and we follow a low copper diet.

In our country WD is unknown. There are no statistics and it’s very difficult to find doctors who know about it.

We know that we are lucky because our children are healthy, but we can not stop thinking that if we had not detected the disease on time the story would be very different. 

From our roles as parents we try to inform people about Wilson Disease. Knowledge is the best tool to diagnose the disease on time!