The story of Kian

I am fundraising for the remarkable Royal Berkshire Hospital accident and emergency department.

I am holding this fundraiser as a token of appreciation to show my gratitude and to sincerely thank the hospital for the remarkable work they do.

My 2 year old son, presented at A&E today with a heart rate of over 150 bpm and a temperature of 39.9 degrees. He was shaking uncontrollably and was losing circulation to his hands, feet and legs. Within 5 minutes of arriving at A&E he was seen by a team of emergency doctors and paediatrician consultants, who acted rapidly to stabilise him. It took continued observation for 6 hours to bring his heart rate down to 143bpm and suppress his tempature.

Kian was diagnosed about 1 year ago with ketotic hypoglycaemia which is where his body can’t produce enough ketones to stabilise his sugar levels and can go into a coma at any given time if he doesn’t get enough adequate sugar intake in his daily diet as his body can’t stabilise its sugar levels, we found this out when Kian had became unresponsive and floppy when he previously fell ill about 1 year ago.

Fortunately, Kian’s consultant has been a god send and has allowed us open door access across the whole of the country and has supplied us with an emergency regime and sos pack and what to do in the event of a critical emergency.

This is all started today just by picking up a common flu bug, and as a child refuses to eat and getting fluids and fruit into them when there not well can be a challenge it makes the battle that little bit much harder, when we know what is to come.

As we have become more aware of Kians condition and recognise his signs and symptoms, our saving grace in our hour of need has and always will be, is to reach for a can of red coca-cola. It seriously saves a life!

Whether you suffer from ketotic hypoglycaemia, low blood sugar levels or any other condition where sugar is needed in an emergency. In Kian’s situation this is because it gives the fluids and sugar intakes needed to boost his levels, and is the only thing he will drink when he is ill.

Royal Berkshire Hospital you are a truly remarkable trust, who showed compassion, empathy and acted swiftly and promptly to stabilise my child.

I give an abundance of thanks for the work you have done today and have done for us in the past! 🙏

Here’s to spreading awareness of ketotic hypoglycaemia.

This is Kian’s Story 💫