Kevin and Kerry Lee’s Krusade

The story of Teresa

I have two boys well I had 3 boys with Menkes Disease, it is a X-linked disease that prohibits copper from being transported and absorbed in the body usually resulting in death by the age of three. There is no known cure. Kevin is now 22 and Kerry turned 19 today. We had a son named Zachary Wayne Lee that passed away when he was 2 months and 9 days old. They have had many surgeries and last year in 2015,Kevin was in the hospital for approximately 175 days due to uti’s, sepsis, pneumonia and failure to thrive. Kerry just experienced uti, sepsis and acute renal failure. We never know from day to day if they will see another day or not. We have learned so much and have become stronger as a family. Never take a day for granted. Tell your family you love them!