The story of Colton

I am Colton. I am 2 1/2 years old. When I was born I was diagnosed with Pierre Robin Sequence and cleft palate. They did genetic testing on me and I have part of my 10th chromosome missing and a part added to my 11th chromosome. They know there is more going on but we don’t know the length of it yet. I am very far behind but I don’t let that stop me. I am the happiest little boy and love my family. Mommy is my most favorite but my daddy thinks I hung the moon. My sisters also think I’m all that and more. I can’t eat because of what is wrong so I eat from a feeding tube. I am the most laid back little guy. You can’t help but fall in love with me. I can’t walk or do much but that’s ok I’m the baby so who needs to walk anyways.