The story of Julie

I had a complete thyroidectomy and due to scar tissue 1 parathyroid glam was removed causing the other to quit working. I have had trouble for several years getting my thyroid hormone levels regulated and then also getting my calcium regulated with treditional methods. About 5 months ago I started hormone treatments by shots daily and finally I am starting to see some results. It has been a roller coaster with emotions, physical limitations and even affecting my mental abilities. I had to quit riding my horses due to cramps and muscle spasms. I had to take time off from a school I went back to for Veterinary Assistance training due to being cloudy minded. It was like having a stroke and not being able to concentrate or think of what you wanted to say or remember things you knew. I am finally getting better with the cramps and spasms not. They are not all the time just occasional and my thinking is doing much better than it was. So I plan to keep going to attain my goal of riding again this summer and finishing school this spring!! Not going to let it get me down.