Jenna’s Journey continues

The story of Tom

Today is world rare disease day. Jenna, now 20, was born without irises (the colored part of the eyes) and a genetic likelihood of developing cancer as a toddler (she did and survived due to prayer, chemo, and surgery), and much more. “Disease” is, in Jenna’s case and my opinion, a bit of a misnomer. That word conveys the idea that it may be communicable, which is not the case. Jenna has an exceedingly rare condition due to a deletion in her 11th chromosome. Only about 500 people worldwide have this diagnosis.

There is more to Jenna’s Journey than I can share here. There is much more to Jenna than WAGR Syndrome. She is exquisite. She is just how God created her. Learn more at or by emailing me. There may be an email attached to this story. Otherwise, I can also be reached at [email protected]