It’s unbearable living with this terrible illness I call “bully” lupus is a bully.

The story of Mme. Irene Kilumanga

I was diagnosed with this debilitating, chronic & incurable rare disease in 2007 this systemic lupus erythematosus & lupus nephritis has also caused other multiple diagnosis … it has changed my life tremendously.. I’m not able to do things that I used to do… I’m always in & out of hospital.. #lupus patients always get misunderstood because it’s a very unpredictable illness, u can be fine & your condition can change anytime without warming.. many times I’m not well but I pick myself up & get ready, dress, put a bit of makeup & take my daily medication (currently 17 tablets a day) when I meet people & if asked to do something or go somewhere with them if it’s a long day I know I won’t be able to manage & I tell them that I can’t join them because I’m really not well … they say to me “BUT U LOOK WELL, NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU…’ I get this many many times 😭It’s really frustrating… still praying for scientists to find cure 🙏🏾.