Invest in RARE, Invest for FUTURE

The story of Swathi

The stigma around Rare children’s is that, they are a burden to the society and healthcare system. So, is it worth investing in rare disease children’s?


When we posted Swathi’s recent bracelet making video, we had few kind souls approached and shown interest to purchase them. We never intent to sell as it she made them as part of her home therapy. Instead, we capitalized on the interest and did a mini fundraiser among small circle of close friends.


With the fundraised, part of it was given to a rare father, who does food catering business, to cook and serve 100 pax meal to homeless, refugees, old folks, underserved, front liners etc. within Klang Valley area.


Next, we wanted to convey our gratitude to Member of Parliament’s who tirelessly and consistently voiced out plights of our rare disease community at the Parliament. So we did these :


1. We delivered groceries to an orphanage at Rasah, constituency belongs to YB Cha.

2. we randomly picked a B40 small business owners, to cook and serve meals to orphanage and old folks’ home around Batu Gajah, constituency belongs to YB Sivakumar.

3. We contributed to Covid19 Pandemic Program for OKU’s by OKU Sentral, an NGO championed by Datuk YB Senator Ras Adiba


Swathi isn’t the first to do this and she will not be the last either. I truly thank my friend’s for supporting this initiative as it was THEM who wanted to show how a rare child like Swathi, given an opportunity, could contribute back to the society.


Watch Swathi’s 1st Community Give Back