Interesting journey

The story of Diane

My story started when I was born. I was one month pre mature and failured to thrive my first year of life. I always had been sick and had lost of ear issues. I have a 50% hearing loss in my left ear. Suffer with chronic pain in my sinuses and ears. In 2009 I had 5 left ear tube placements. I don’t even know how many ear surgeries I’ve had my mom doesn’t even know but knows it’s in the double digits. In 2011 during the summer we tried sinus surgery to open up my sinuses to cut down on the number of infections. But even after that I was still in my ENT office every two weeks with a ear infection and sinus infection . He looked at me and said we’re missing something. So towards the end of 2011 I saw a infectious disease doctor who diagnosed me with CVID. And I am receiving treatments ever since then.