Incurable Disease in Remission

The story of Kristina

Hello my name is Kristina and I have Juvenile Dermatomyositis, an autoimmune disease affecting three in one million kids worldwide. I was diagnosed in 5th grade and have had it ever since. Juvenile dermatomyositis is an inflammatory disease of the muscle and skin. For my type of JDM, I mostly get muscle weakness and an abundance amount of calcinosis. Calcinosis is a large collection of calcium that sits in or under the skin, in muscles, and in tendons. From my disease, I’ve had to take medicine, had monthly treatments, surgery’s, therapies, and have stayed weeks at the hospital.

Through the ups and downs, I am happy to say that I am currently in remission and hope to be for the rest of my life. So much has happen since getting JDM, including getting tattoos with my family to represent JDM, going to camp for my disease and meeting some amazing friends, getting a Make-A-Wish, and much more. I currently go to school at WVU for prevet and I love it!

Thank you to everyone who has ever supported me and for every donation anyone has ever sent in:) thank you to all my friends and family for always loving and supporting me. happy rare disease day

#rarediseaseday #raredisease #showyourstripes #curejm