I’m Rare Living with Sarcoidosis 💜

The story of Carolyn

I’m 47 years old and I was diagnosed in 2010 with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis. When my Lung Dr told me that’s what I had I looked at him and, said how do you pronounce that . He told me this is what I will probably die from . I’m still fighting 16 years later you can get Sarcoidosis in any organ , skin eyes lungs heart Brain etc

I have my daily struggles everyday i never know what symptoms or how im gonna feel everyday is totally different. We Need a Cure And I love all of my Sarcoidosis Family that I met on Facebook have lost alot also I will keep fighting even when I want to give up I have pain coughing fatigue blurred vision wheezing shortness of breath ringing in ears itchy skin etc

#Sarcoidosiswarrior #ImRare #Dazzle4Rare