The story of Melissa

Hello Everyone,

As we all know everyone has his or her own challenges in life that he or she has to face on a daily basis; however, I believe it is how we handle and respond to these challenges that helps us in discovering whom we are as individuals.  Well, here goes my name is Melissa and I just turned the big 30! I wake up in pain and go to sleep in pain – some days are worse then others – I am not going to lie. But I always try to keep in my mind that other people have it worse off then me, so why should I complain right?

Chiari Malformation II is a rare disease and from my understanding after speaking to so many Neurologisst haha more than I can cound on my hands (sadly, I wish I was joking); that some people are lucky enough to a productive life without even having any symptoms. BUT than there are individuals like me whom have SEVERE form of it – so bad that in my early 20’s it trigger a gran mal seizure and I had to undergo decompression brain and neck sugery (which was and still is the hardest recovery I ever had to endure.) I do not wish this pain on anyone. I walk with a cane, extremely bad balance, my legs are weak that the max I can stand without walking is 10 minutes, and I push myself to walk each day.

I decided to write my story because I wanted to advocate for those whom do not have a voice. I did everything right I graduated high school, college, and graduate school. I have a Bachelors in Sociology and a Masters in Addiction Studies; however, I have this rare disease that has impacted my life so much that I am permanently disabled – haha my mind say I can work, but my body is like SERIOUSLY MELISSA you must be joking! Honestly, it took along time to come to terms with that because, I was so young and I thought my life was over. But know I can concentrate on staying as health as possible and utilize my education and advocacy skills to help other in need.  

Stay healthy and positive (I know its not easy, but you can do it)
