The story of Angelica

I was born with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. My mother passed it on to me and my brother without knowing. She never really had any symptoms. My brother at the age of 4, had seizures and was treated & diagnosed. Then the following year, I turned 4 years old and also experienced seizures. The doctors took tests and connected the dots and diagnosed me the same as my brother. We were prescribed anti-seizure medications and for our whole childhood, we always had constant doctors appointments. I took my medications until I was 16. My neurologist basically said “You haven’t had a seizure since you were 4 years old. Chances are you’ll never have one again.” He made a little schedule of how to reduce my doses of medications. I followed until I was finished. It has been almost 7 years since then and to this day I still haven’t had any seizures.