I got pregnant – but I’m one of the few lucky

The story of Naomi

Morning all……

So in these groups we often hear the worst case scenario and while my story is still ongoing I believe it’s going “normal” compared to some….

January 27, 2022 (a day I shall never ever forget) I went for my 12 week scan and was told heartbeat couldn’t be found and my exact words before she said this was I’ve lost another baby haven’t I – it was my worst fear to lose again and I just knew by the question she asked (I can’t recall it but I recall googling that day and it leads to molar pregnancy it was regarding testing for something but I just can’t remember what it was).

I went to the doctor where I was told I had a suspended partial molar and was referred to our Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic. I spent the rest of the evening googling trying to find out more.

I was booked in for January 28, 2022 to see the specialist doctor and they ran more bloods etc and got me booked in for D&C. That was done February 4, 2022 and then began the weekly bloods. It was confirmed a week later by pathology that it was a partial molar. I have yet to follow up with the doctor that appointment is booked for March 23, 2022 as it was expected pathology could take 4 weeks. I suspect they likely put a rush on this after surgery due to what I now know about molar pregnancies.

Background leading up to this….

January 1, 2022 I started some spotting – well I had this rush of blood come out then spotting so we went to emergency where they took all my bloods and referred me for ultrasound. I had the ultrasound (they wanted to check for a heartbeat so in Canada had to be referred) January 3, 2022 and baby was there with a heartbeat of 167 and I was measuring at 8 weeks 4 days making delivery date to be August 11, 2022. Unfortunately the 12 week scan had me measuring at just under this date with abnormalities which I was told the baby would have passed literally with hours to a day after this scan…..

January 2022 my pregnancy symptoms were absolutely wild. I had no reason to think anything was abnormal – I feel this is the absolutely most cruel thing your body can do to you.

Here were my clues (that now I will question) to that I had an abnormal pregnancy;

January 2022;

– HCG was over 120,000
– Spotting which blood was either bright red or a mucky blood colour; a sign of molar due to the colouring mucky looking (from what I read)
– Pelvic pain which I ruled as growing pains; I would now believe it was likely some pelvic pains I’m still not sure about this one
– I looked pregnant for 8 weeks and then ongoing so uterus likely more enlarged
– Extremely nauseous and throwing up

Unfortunately, some of these are also pregnancy symptoms but I will question next time – that’s human nature after this.

After baby had passed for about a month;

January 28, 2022 HCG was over 145,000!

That’s insane that after the passing it had risen….but I suspect this is normal of partial molar.

I apologize for my rambled mess….I struggle to put this together but I will post my bloods from start of pregnancy until now below. I will also post an updated HCG count after my next for those that this may ease their minds.



December 13, 2021 – 7,894
January 1, 2022 – 120,337
January 28, 2022 – 146,417

D&C done February 4, 2022
February 11, 2022 – 859
February 18, 2022 – 109
February 25, 2022 – 31

While the decline has slowed down I am hopeful that I will continue with it. Would I have liked this week to have been the 2 or less – absolutely I just need this part over with so I can begin to heal. But all I can do is just hope next week will be the week.

Much love to all on the journey ❤️❤️❤️