The story of Marie


My name is Marie-France, I am 33 years old and I am from Montreal. I was born with a brain condition called agenesis of the corpus callosum. My agenesis is complete. Which means it is 100% absent. The corpus callosum is a membrane between the two hemispheres that connects the brain. It unites the right and left hemispheres and allows communication between them. It is often visible on an ultrasound around the 2nd trimester.

When my mother was pregnant, they discovered that there was an absence of that membrane in my brain. After several tests, the doctors told my parents that I would most probably never walk, that I would most likely never talk. As a child, I had epileptic episodes. I suffered from headaches and they are still very present in my daily life. I played many sports and I also played piano for many years. School has always been hard for me but with the help of many specialists, I was able to learn different methods to help me be more successful. The methods I have learned, I still use them daily.

Today I am married, and I am the mother of two healthy children. On this World Rare Disease Day, I wanted to share my journey to give everyone in need a glimpse of hope. Because suffering in silence has never been the best solution.