I am strong

The story of Brittney

All my life things have been hard , from having to overcome prematurity to learning disabilities and autism things were always a struggle. Through my life we noticed I had horrible eye sight , in high school that got worse , my bad eyes soon cake with horrible headaches that nothing helped. After a long struggle I was diagnosed at eye age of 17 with psuedotumor cerebri. We thought we finally had answers but sadly it wasn’t the end , in May 2016 I was sent to genetics after worsening joint issues and pain that I had most my life. As a child they claimed I had brittle bones , but my bones never broke , only dislocated , this included when I rolled on the floor. I was diagnosed with ehlers danlos syndrome. A genetic condition effecting my connective tissues. I was diagnosed classic, hypeemibile and vascular.
Through life with rare disease I’ve learned one thing , people always approach me with the same remark “we never would have known , you look totally normal” , it has taught me to explain to people my disabilities and handicaps are hidden , and yes rare but they don’t define me. I am the smiley girl they see . And yes I wear braces , and need a handicap sticker , cheer with a special needs team , but I am the same girl people always knew , determined and strong. Fighting and ready to spread awareness with others , not only for my rare issues but my others. To make others aware not every issue is visible but everybody is equal.