I always knew I was different

The story of Chelsey

I was an active child, but as soon as I hit puberty I knew something was wrong. I starting becoming short of breath and had heart palpitations. I can remember holding my breath at night just to calm my heart rate. As I got older I realized more and more something was wrong. When I became pregnant with my first child I became even more short of breath and had a difficult time. I thought it was all pregnancy. By the second pregnancy I began passing out and had the be placed on beta blockers. Again my cardiologist didn’t think anything was wrong. I changed cardiologists after my son was born and he sent me to an EP. I had a stress test and within 10 minutes had the diagnosis. I have IST. I continued to have orthostatic intolerance and was diagnosed with POTS. I’m now on Corlanor and have been doing ok. I have recently noticed I’m having worsening symptoms again. I pray that I’ll never need ablation and my symptoms will just disappear but I’m not sure that’ll ever happen. Everyday is a challenge but everyday I pray for a cure.