The story of Saram

My husband started with double vision, droopy eyelids and sensitivity to light.  He was so bad one Christmas he wore sunglasses in the house because of the tree lights.  He developed pneumonia, went unconcious in the hospital and was airlifted to a larger area hospital where he was in critical care ICU for 2 weeks on a ventilator with his heart in A-Fib. He lost 25 pounds and lots of strength. He then spent a month in a re-hab before coming home.  If only one of his health care providers had ordered a blood test for Myasthenia Gravis, an auto-immune disease, sooner he would have been placed on his medications earlier and perhaps wouldno thave suffered his Myasthenic crisis. Hidden clues that were actually waiting for someone to recognize.


*Find others with Myasthenia Gravis on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases.