Guillain-Barre Syndrome Survivor

The story of Raymond

My journey with Guillian-Barre Syndrome began on June 15,1988 following a holiday vacation in Venezuela. Following my return from vacation, I experienced severe intestinal problems which persisted for days. As days passed, my intestinal problems persisted and my health deteriorated to the point where I could not stand, walk or balance myself to move. Following further medical evaluation including a spinal tap, tests revealed a high protein level and a confirmed diagnosis of Gillian-Barre Syndrome (GBS).

My GBS at this point caused total paralysis from my neck down and respitory failure which required a tracheotomy. When I reflect on my 10 months of total paralysis, I remember the importance of a positive attitude, my drive and my ambition which represented the strength that helped me regain control of my life.

Today I am thankful for my family and friends and my 24 year relationship with my spouse, Ken. My volunteer positions at Staten Island University Hospital, Boca Raton Regional Medical Center and as a liaison for the GBS-CIDP Foundation represent an opportunity to share my journey and give back to the community by representing a positive motivating message to everyone I come in contact with.” It’s only rare ….until it’s you” Please support “Rare Disease Day” on February 29th.

*Find others with Guillain Barré Syndrom (GBS) and the Chronic Imflammatory Demyelinating Neuropathy (CIDP) on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases