The story of Raymond
My name is Raymond Lopez.  My journey with Guillian-Barre Syndrome (GBS) began at age 35 in 1988. As I reflect back on my 10 months of total paralysis from the neck down, due to my deteriorating condition, I was tracked and on a ventilator to prevent respiratory system failure . While my journey to recovery was long and challenging, I remember back when I initially began to regain my motor skills in my lower extremities – the importance of positive attitude, my drive and my ambition which represented the strength that helped me regain control of my life. Today, as I continue my journey onward with my GBS challenges, I am thankful for my family and friends, my 23- year career as Food Service Manager for the New York City Board of Education and my 21-year relationship with my partner, Ken. My positions as Liason for the GBS/CIDP Foundation and as a volunteer for the Neurology Department at Staten Island University Hospital represent my opportunity to give back, share my journey, my experiences and outcomes to, hopefully represent a positive, motivating message, to everyone I come in contact with. “It’s only rare ….until it’s you” . Please support “Rare Disease Day” on February 28th.
Find others with GBS/CIDP on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare disease