The story of Daniel

Back in 2008, I was diagnosed with Kallmann Syndrome, after showing all the signs and symptoms, including no puberty, Anosmia and other things. I was placed on Pregnyl and Reandron, which gave me Testosterone for the first time ever. I received Reandron 1000mg for 10 years, then switching to Pregnyl again due to the mood swings being too vast between the peak and trough of testosterone levels.

Last week, on the 20th February, God sent me a massive curveball I didn’t see coming. It was not Kallmann Syndrome after all. It is still Hypogonadatropic Hypogonadism but not KS. I don’t know what was worse, the fact that KS is what bought my wife and I together, over Facebook (she does have Kallmann Syndrome) or the fact I have a 50/50 chance of passing it onto my kids, which I just started FSH injections that very morning to create sperm.

It’s like a blinding light because, other than HH, I also have Generalised Idiopathic Epilepsy, Joint Hypermotility, and rarest of all, with WITKOS, I was born with a Congential Diaphragmatic Hernia. It has been a very hard pill to swallow. With such little knowledge of this condition, the rarity of it and not knowing anyone with it, it’s something I want to raise awareness for. 

*Find others with Kallmann Syndrome on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases