The story of Cindy

My Fibromuscular Dysplasia was found incidentally in 2017. FMD is abnormal cell development within artery walls that can cause stenosis, heart attack, aneurysms and other issues. At the same time, a “mass” was found incidentally in my left pulmonary artery thought to be a sarcoma. Open heart surgery was the best course of action to remove and replace the pulmonary artery and for a open biopsy. It was decided I needed intensive chemotherapy before replacing the artery which shrank the growth enough for removal and replacement. Within a year of being “cancer free” a growth appeared in another pulmonary artery on the right side. I have had more rounds of chemotherapy and am currently on targeted therapy. My doctors are perplexed as they feel my FMD is somehow involved in the growths in my pulmonary arteries, but are not quite sure how to treat as the growths in my right pulmonary artery are inoperable. FMD has been found in my vertebral, carotid, and splenic and possibly my pulmonary arteries along with two aneurysms. I am constantly searching for doctors to help figure this puzzle out for me to ensure I am receiving proper treatment, but without success. I will continue on targeted therapy or chemotherapy until I find a cure for my rare diseases.