Emily’s journey

The story of Angela

I want to introduce you to my daughter Emily. Emily is know 17 and battling an incurable disease. My daughter has hypermobility syndrome. She was dignosed when she was 14 but was having signs around 8. You may be like why so long to get an answer. As she grew we were told she was such a tall girl that the only thing it could be was growing pains. We took that but wasn’t comfortable with that. Emily was 13 when it seemed her world stopped. She had what I called two major pain attacks that were crippling. It took use till the second round to get the answer we so long need to know or did we want to know. We traveled to another town in our state to see a specialist who hopefully would give use the answers we so need to know. Emily did all the test that she was put thru. Once the testing was done we were given the answer that I wasn’t ready to here your daughter has a rare and incurable disease called hms. I sit there thinking so what does this mean for her. What will her life be like in the future. I have no answers on what the day brings us. She is a junior in high school and is trying to be as normal as can be by holding down a part time job. She knows how to pace herself and knows when her body is screaming enough you must stop. She is know two years in the running of her dignoses. I tell her we are still in the toddler stage. She hasn’t been having an easy time with this . This has been very hard on her the past few weeks. I have no answers for her I can only give her my support and love thru the hard times and the good times. As I tell her father I wouldn’t want this on my worst enemy.