CVID and Rare Therapy Duck

The story of Ashley

Hi my name is Ashley Scott and I wanted to share my story with you about my sweet therapy Duck, Puff The Duck. We have recently been featured on The Dodo and other media outlets for our unique story.
It all started a couple of years ago I had just had two very big loses back to back. I was feeling down so I decided to stop in to the local feed store to see the baby ducks that they had for spring. I love animals and I thought the sight of them would cheer me up. When I got there I noticed this precious little duck half dead laying there being trampled on. I asked what was going to happen to it. They told me more than likely they would throw her out that night bc she was just 1 day old and the travel was hard on them. I asked could I have her. In order to purchase her I would have to get two so I picked the runt along with her. I left with them in hand. Peep and Puff. Peep unfortunately only lived a week and 1/2. However Puff after dropper feeding her and toting her around in a baby carrier on my chest like a human she survived. What I didn’t know I was creating a bond that would last a lifetime! Because Puff was so tiny and her special needs at first she was very slow to learn. I had to teach Puff how to fly and how to swim. Yes that’s correct, I taught my Duck how to swim!! So everyday as she grew feathers I ran up and down the front yard with her flapping my arms yelling Puff flap your wings, You can do it, Fly Puff, Fly… Evidently as Puff was Fully feathered Oneday I was running and she was beside me she flapped really hard and flew… she flew so hard she flew out of the yard two houses down. I busted out crying. I knew my baby had just flew away forever. I had thought i had prepared myself for this day like mommas do for their babies to go to college but was i ready? All of a sudden i hear a loud Honk and there she was my sweet Puff waddling in the middle of the double yellow lines like momma come get me! She never flew again! The first time I put her in the kitchen sink to bathe she was just a few weeks old. She nearly drown. She was absolutely panicked of the water! I remember telling my husband how did we get a duck terrified of water? So the only thing I knew to do was slowly introduce her to it. I would hold her and hand bathe her, hold her in the shower with me so she could feel the water and know she was safe. As she got bigger I knew she had to learn to swim. We had a swimming pool and I was terrified she would drown if she didn’t know how. I purchased flippers and got in the pool. She watched me swim from the edge. I put her in the pool and she rode on my back around the pool. I floated her around and she moved her legs. Out of nowhere she dove under and swam! She has been swimming since. That winter I came home alittle after dusk to find her at the pool steps limp and very cold. I picked her up and blood was on my hand. I panicked and ran her into the house. As soon as I looked her over I could see my worst nightmare! I could literally see her heart beating. I could see down to her heart! She had been attacked by an owl. The owl had tried to take her neck so it was particularly ripped. I called our local vet who doesn’t work on fowl. No one could work on her that night. I was told if she lived through the night it would be a miracle. I sat up all night rocking her and begging for her life. Telling her how much I love her. The next morning I rushed her to va beach where an avian expert who hasn’t ever worked on ducks before saved her life! She was barley breathing when I got her there. The doctor said he believed that our love and bond kept her alive! She had along road to recovery but she was going to make it. Through her recovery our bond grew stronger. I suffer from a very rare autoimmune disease that makes me very sick. I’m constantly in and out of the hospital. I get treatments at a cancer center every 4 weeks that take 6 hrs and they take and lot out of me. I have a specialist for every organ. As time went by we started to noticed Puff acting differently. She stopped eating, laying eggs, got more quacky ( screamy almost), losing feathers, her eyes got weak. I got worried bc I knew something was wrong. I had been very sick. I had been in and out of the hospital. The year had been very tough. Even though I was sick I had to get my baby help. I ended up getting Puff to NC State University where i felt like she would have the very best care. Puff was egg-bound. After many work ups it was decided that Puff was sympathizing for me. She was so bonded that when she sees me so sick it breaks her heart and stresses her out. Puff Is absolutely the sweetest blessing I could have ever have. I go through alot of judement with my desease. Having an autoimmune disease is very difficult bc you catch everything. I end up in the emergency room alot and the staff cn be very judgmental if they see you often. You would think knowing what my disease is they would be kind but its not like that at all. In this world its pure judgment all the time. Puff is very kindhearted she likes to sit with me while im doing my breathing treatments. She doesn’t mind the machine noise. She loves to cuddle. She a very good hugger and loves to snuggle and get her feathers rubbed. We watch tv, talk, she just learned to play with toys. She will stand by me and sleep but she always keeps one eye open keeping an eye on me. We noticed when I start to go into a flare. A few days before I even notice I’m going into it Puff knows. She will Quack and be very attentive. She doesn’t want me out of her site. I truly would be lost without her. I’m not really sure how to explain it but there is something truly special about her. you would just have to meet her but I’ve been given not just a friend almost an angel! What I want people to learn from Puff and I, is its ok to be yourself because no matter who you are you are lovable. ♡

Please read Puff’s other articles below. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Thank you so very much for your time!


Ashley Scott & Puff The Duck

Instagram @pufftheduck