The story of Veronica

In July of 2012 I fell and thought I fractured my ankle. Because of the fracture I had to have ankle surgery, however, the pain persisted. I went to several doctors and kept hearing Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome. I underwent 4 subsequent surgeries to no avail. I have severe burning, electric shocks, piercing stabs, Charlie horses, Extreme sensitivity and swelling just to name a couple of this terrible disorders symptoms. I cannot wear long pants, sneakers or a full shoe. Nothing can touch my skin. My skin changes colors, my toe nails are brittle and my leg hair grows abnormally. In approximately 3 seconds my entire life has been changed. I’ve seen all kinds of doctors; tried several procedures, medicines, treatments and trials. RSD now referred to as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is such a debilitating disorder that not many not only know about but not many know how to treat it. I have pain Every Single Day! It started in my left leg/foot and has since moved to my right shoulder and intermittently my right foot. I cannot have surgeries because it can move to that area. I guess you can think of it as overactive nerves. It causes severe depression on top of the other symptoms. I have undergone ketamine infusions that with Lyrica & other meds will give me some relief. The side affects of many of the prescribed medicines are pretty harsh so I spend many days in bed. What does help are blogs with ones that can relate with my pain so that I know I am not alone.