The story of Tonya
My life has always proven to have some sort of health issue. As a child, no genetic tests were done. We knew I had lots of infections and nosebleeds.
As an adult, things started becoming more and more complex.
There were issues with my back, neck, and shoulders. I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. Then came stomach issues (gastroparesis). I found out I had autonomic dysfunction (specifically Auton
Autoimmune Autonomic tonomic Gangliopathy)that caused my gastroparesis, colonic dysmotility, dysphagia and neurogenic bladder. Due to the autonomic dysfunction, I also have hypotension, requiring daily iv fluids, and hypoglycemia. My Hypoglycemia is severe and has caused me to rely on a continuous glucose sensor, iv dextrose and IM glucagon.
I also found out I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I have had dislocations and tears, in different areas.
Then came the Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Factor V Leiden finds.
A few years ago, I also started having bleeding and bruising issues that require IV vitamin K every 2 weeks.
I am on iv nutrition,TPN, and other iv meds, daily.
Life is complicated, but, I am a warrior. I advocate for myself and others. Life goes on and I will not stop!!