Challenge with Crouzon Syndrome

The story of Tri

Dung was born in 2010 with Crouzon syndrome since new born. We were very surprised when hearing this such syndrome that was the first time we have to face. When my childhood, we were in severe difficulty but nothing happened … then I grown up normally. I searched with Google about this strange syndrome. Everything is clear. My daughter was affected by rare disease that we need surgical intervention to survive my daughter. In Vietnam we are not specialized to treat this long-term disease! We have to wait for special surgeons coming from abroad. My daughter has successfully operated by Professor Doctor Francoise Lapiere coming from France during 6 hours. Then what’s next. We tried to open access to many non-profit organization. Now my daughter is waiting for Mid-Face Advancement at 10.

My daughter has no mental retardation. Now she is 8 and joins 3th grade of primary school. She has to face to cope with teases from her classmates when waiting until 10 with reconbtructive surgery. Dung is bravely courageous and resilient when coping with this disease

This syndrome is genetic 50/50 that she is too young to know this problem and we are concerned.

Please pray for her and support her to surpass this fatal fate. 

Pleae visit Dung’s website

Foster Parents


Dung's story