The story of Tata
Little girl Natalia Franchuk  – First PMM2-CDG from the country of Georgia
When Natalia was born 10 years ago everything seemed fine but when she was 40 days old he became sick and no one could find the answer to her illness. After numerous investigations and tests Natalia was diagnosed with PMM2-CDG. At that time, in 2011, only 200 children were diagnosed with PMM2-CDG worldwide and Natalia was the first such child in Georgia. Later I contacted other families and researchers from abroad and received tremendous psychological and medical support.
This year CDG Georgia was established and now we are 7 families, who have children with this condition. We communicate exchange information and support each other on almost daily bases.
Today Natalia attends school and she has friends who love her. I imagine Natalia to be very strong and to achieve a lot with the skills that she has. Above all, she gives and receives so much love, she is a happy child and this what matters most of all!