The story of Brooklynn

Hi my name is Brooklynn and I was born with Mitochondrial Disease and other illnesses as well. So I have been going back and forth to doctors and hospitals for 16 years now. Now that I’m older new symptoms have popped up so Genetics ran tests and it didn’t really show anything besides that I have Malignant Hypothermia which means I’m allergic to certain anesthesia. Now that we know that I have to go to Chicago for more testing to figure out what other underlying conditions I have but we know for sure that I have Mitochondrial disease and my GI symptoms have gotten worse so I’m going all the way to U of M in Ann Arbor Mi to see if someone there can help me. I also have over came sepsis and sepsis shock in 2021 and I also recently got diagnosed with epilepsy in 2021. All of my life has been revolved around hospitals and doctors. So I hope when you read this you know that your not alone.