The story of Chris

Axel’s story (born 1993)

After 5 IVF entries I finally got pregnant. Four embryos implanted and only one survived the adventure of tube to baby. After a blissful pregnancy Axel was born on the 25th October 1993. Weighting 3.130 kg, Height: 52 cm

Medical history
On the 7th march 1994 Axel was diagnosed with eczema. We had to change his nutrition to soya food. His first steps where at 17 months old, October 1995 he said his first words. 20th April 1994 hospital: Rotavirus and again 3 months later. In 1998: Axel was diagnosed with mental retardation. 5.5 years he started with special education. 17th January 1996: operation on his thumb ( trigger finger), 2001: operation removing milk teeth, 2008: operation hydrocele.

On the 9th March 2012 we were told that Axel had NCBRS
2015 back problems.

Music and dancing.

5 years: started swimming
7 years: started running.
Participated many years until 2012: Special Olympics games: athletics
Now he does swim competitions with mental handicapped sporters.
2014: Starts working after school in a preserved work centre.

This year he will participate the Special Olympics in Belgium  with swimming.Â