Avascular Necrosis

The story of Pamela

My journey began when I was given Prednisone for a very short time for an overactive thyroid gland problem. Shortly after this, I was given a radioactive isotope which caused my thyroid gland to become underactive.
10 years later, I got an agonizing pain in the groin area of my left legend could hardly walk. Eventually my doctor sent me to see a Consultant, who sent me for an MRI scan and was then told I had Avascular Necrosis. As a result of this diagnosis, I consequently had to have my left hip bone replaced (this was in 1997).
A year later in 1998, I had the same symptoms and had to have my right hip bone replaced also. 2 years ago, I had 2 nasty flare-ups with the same agonizing pain and now walk with a cane although, fortunately, the pain has eased somewhat. However, I count myself very lucky compared with many others who are much younger than myself and suffer from Avascular Necrosis in many more limbs than mine, I.e. knees, shoulders, ankles, etc., and often end up in wheelchairs while waiting for replacements which they have to wait a long time for because of their age (being too young).