The story of Donna
Back in 2013, I began having multiple unexplained medical issues. Some of my symptoms included constant chest congestion that would always turn into pneumonia, extreme fatigue, all over body itching, and a nagging cough. I continued to seek my physicians consult, but they kept sending me home with antibiotics and steroids and I would get better for a week or so and then begin the process over again. By 2014, I had began to really feel the effects of the constant sickness and decided to go to the hospital and be seen in the Emergency room. Once my blood was drawn and a chest CT completed I was admitted to the hospital under the impression that I had Lymphoma. After many biopsies and many different specialist I was diagnosed with Hypereosinophia syndrome and Primary Billiary Cholangitis. For the next several years I was put on many different medications and was admitted several times into the hospital to get my breathing under control. Now, 8 years later I am living with multiple autoimmune diseases and living the best life I can with my limitations. I am so very lucky to have the best Doctors and most supportive family. This past year I was diagnosed with Celiacs Disease. This has proven to be a tricky one and we are still working on learning what I can and cannot eat. It is hard to change everything in your kitchen to accommodate this disease. We are working on it.