ANCA – Vasculitis. MPA

The story of Martina


my name is Martina. I am from Germany, and my diseases is a ANCA Vasculitis- MPA. The  disease attacked my kidneys and in January 2019 I almost died. I had a sepsis and nobody has seen it. 

My illness has changed my whole life. A lot of positive – but also negative. I look forward for my two child’s! 

I can’t do my dream job anymore. Likewise, I have little energy for the day and need a lot of breaks.

I want to live with the disease for as long and as best as possible, but not for the disease!

On my Instagram Profil “martina_vaskulitisblog”  I Tell u the whole story and also my daily problems with the vasculitis. Also I’ve got there a video of a day with ANCa Vasculitis. 

I hope you’re all doing well and look forward to your news and also experiences. Stay strong!


*Find others with Vasculitis on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases