Adoption followed by a life changing diagnosis…

The story of Kelly

On November 29, 2019 we welcomed our beautiful daughter, Nora Inez Peters into this world. We were blessed that Nora’s amazing Birth Mother picked us. Our adoption was perfect.

Nora was beautiful. At three months she started missing milestones. Our pediatrician was seeing red fags and my Mama gut was churning. Our world came crashing down after an MRI and eleven days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Children’s Minnesota. Lissencephaly – Terminal, Incurable, Seizures, 1 in 100,000 and the list went on.
We wanted to “fix” her, get another opinion, but the MRI was very clear.

Nora was classified as “worse case scenario”.

Nora passed away peacefully in our arms January 23, 2021.

Our sweet girl filled our hearts with a unique kind of love. The kind of love that one hopes to feel in a lifetime.

Sweet Daughter