A Song for all Lafora Children

The story of Snjezana

It seems we know a lot:
why the earth rotates,
how to break an atom,
journey to the moon and further.
But we forget,
that we are still small,
very small under the stars
and sky which in vain
sends us signals.
Therefore, we never know
how and when
destiny moves us,
from flowery life path
to the one full of thorns,
on the end of which
there is no light and hope.
That usually happens with no warning,
and may happen to anyone.
There is no answer to the question
And reaction is our choice:
with dignity in front of death!
And that is why humankind,
please help us,
we do belong to you.
No matter now many centuries,
you look on us as numbers,
we are not numbers,
we are not percents,
nor promils,
We are
your sick children.
You humiliate and
insult us
with statistics.
We are living beings,
your sons and daughters,
of your kind.
Don’t you realize
that God is within us too.
We are crucified,
our step is nailed up,
our mouths numb,
our hands are shaking,
our legs are shaking,
our heart is shaking
of fear.
Why do you leave us
You keep forgetting,
that in creation of soul
struggle and suffering
are inevitable.
Our struggle is enormous,
our suffering even bigger,
what do you think,
how big our soul is?
That big,
it could move mountains
in order to see the sun.
Don’t throw that soul away!
It is said that human society suffers,
because it doesn’t suffer enough with others.
Have we forgotten
that in Bible is written:
„Think about all those suffering,
as if you share their pain.“
Writers warn us too:
„I do not ask a wounded person how she feels,
I become a wounded person myself.“
And therefore,
be available to me,
do not rush, find time,
hug me, touch me,
with heart, soul and deed,
and cry with me.
Listen to my silence.
That way you will help me the most.
And the worst possible thing is
to retreat
and say:
„Call me if you need something.“
Since I need so little,
though I can not keep
reminding you on that.
Do not let your heart turn into ice,
it will break when you least expect it!

Facebook profile: Lafora-Snježana Gajić
Facebook site: Izgubila životnu bitku, pobijediće Laforinu bolest