Italy Italy


Zenit Group is an international company with a deeply rooted and proven know-how in the design and manufacturing of submersible electric pumps for domestic, civil and industrial use as well as for water treatment systems. Headquartered in Modena (Italy), the company, with around 300 employees and 4 locations worldwide, directly manages its markets thanks to widespread territorial coverage. This international expansion is driven by the Zenit’s eagerness to improve the service to its customers by being closer to them. Each company in the Zenit scenario has its own structure, but all of them operate in the pursuit of a common goal which always is the ability to work hand in hand with its stakeholders worldwide. The origin as a family-run business has allowed the company to remain lean and flexible, ready to respond with technically relevant solutions to increasingly complex needs and markets. Thanks to the know-how and experience acquired over the years, Zenit Group provides the market with a complete range of products specifically designed to meet the most complex requirements. The Group’s product portfolio is constantly being improved and enriched over the years, driven by the constant investment in R&D, technical know-how and its people expertise. Today, Zenit Group offers a wide range of lifting stations, aeration and mixing products, monitoring devices, as well as complete packages of water treatment solutions featuring complementary services and equipment.

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Jessica Petrilli
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