Sanofi Genzyme

About Sanofi Genzyme

Sanofi Genzyme, Syndromes Without A Name (SWAN) Australia and Genetic Alliance Australia invite you to join us for an evening of discussion and interaction with the Rare Disease community.

Those impacted by rare diseases often experience significant health, psychosocial, economic burdens and diagnostic delays. While conditions may be diverse, personal experiences show universal themes of successes and challenges.
The objective of our speaker event is to highlight gaps, and what we can do collectively and individually, to move forward. We welcome all members of the Rare Disease community to this event and we invite families to bring along children.

Refreshments will be served and we invite our guests to participate in a variety of activities and interactions to support the theme of the 2020 International Rare Disease Day campaign.

Click here for more and to register:

Partner details

Linda Glassick
E-mail partner