The Organization
Samadrishti, Kshamata Vikas Evam Anusandhan Mandal (SAKSHAM) is a charitable national organization registered at Nagpur under registration number MAH/654/2008(N). The organization has its head office in Nagpur, Maharashtra. SAKSHAM was established with an aim to bring all the persons with various disabilities in the mainstream of our nation and is rendering services all over the country for rehabilitation of 21 types of disabilities through its 7 verticals viz., Visually challenged, Hearing & Speech challenged, Orthopedically challenged, Leprosy afflicted persons, Learning disabilities, Mental illness and Blood-related disorders. SAKSHAM believes that disabled people are not a burden on society but assets of the nation. Though presently dedicated to the service of the visually impaired, SAKSHAM has its commitment towards all persons with various disabilities and also to the environment, health, and other social activities to strengthen society. Presently SAKSHAM is running numerous projects for INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF THE DISABLED which include Education, Rehabilitation, and Empowerment through Life skills and other kinds of required training.