Global Genes


About Global Genes

Global Genes’ story began with our loved ones. We are the friends, family and supporters of patients close to us who are affected by rare disease. We understand the confusion, the overwhelming experience of the unknown and the feelings of isolation all too well. And we know we aren’t alone. That’s the reason Global Genes was born – to connect, empower and inspire the rare disease community. At Global Genes, we’re guided by our values – we call them our passion. Our team is united by our determination to support the rare disease community and provide what patients and advocates need to take action and thrive.

Supporting Next-Generation Advocacy

Provide patient advocates with a continuum of services to accelerate their path from early support and awareness through research readiness, using a collaborative approach that involves biopharma, researchers and funders, with data as a central core.

Partner details

Lauren Alford
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