Geoergian Society of Medical Geneics and Epigenetics

Georgia Georgia

About Geoergian Society of Medical Geneics and Epigenetics


Georgian society of Medical Genetics and Epigenetics is a non-profit organization. Main activities of the society is public education and research. The aim of the society is to promote and enhance applications of Genetic sciences such as molecular genetics, epigenetics, cytogenetics, in the Medical practice in Georgia.

Medical genetics and epigenetics of the Society is a non-profit legal entity. Established in March 2014, the Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics University professors and supported the initiative. 58 persons are members of the society. Honorary members of the community are honored and foreign scientists. Our members work in the field of genetics, including clinical genetics, molecular genetics, epigenetics, cytogenetics, reproductive genetics


Medical Genetics and epigenetics, development and popularization of Georgia.

Educational and scientific processes in the medical, biological and other students’ involvement in the promotion of growth and social activity

Students and young scientists in the academic and scientific programs by involving them in obtaining financing and promotion

Scientific surveys and more.


Providing educational activities for the professional mastery and raising of qualification

Scientific, publishing and translation activities

Collaborating with local and international organizaieb

Engaged in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle

Accumulation of property for charitable, educational, scientific or public activity for khelshetsqbisa

Conducts training seminars and conferences with foreign scientists and students of the exchange of information and contacts in order to promote

Conducts commercial activities, which does not change its character, as a legal entity

Carries out other activities that are not prohibited by law

Partner details

Tinatin Tkemaladze
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