About Foundation of Borys the Hero
Borys the Hero Foundation (Foundation BB | FBB) was established on April 16, 2019, exactly on Boris’s 10th birthday.
1. Development of social activity in the field of activities for people and families affected by rare diseases, with particular emphasis on leukodystrophy.
2. Building a conscious and inclusive society, as well as social awareness, in particular on the challenges and needs of people and families affected by rare diseases, as well raising awareness about available and experimental methods of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, education and professional activity of people and families affected by rare diseases.
3. Supporting solutions and systemic activity devoted to rare diseases as well as issues of disability and people with disabilities, as well as issues related to social inclusion, counteracting discrimination and preventing unequal treatment.
What is the FBB?
The FBBÂ is a natural consequence and continuation of activities undertaken by us since 2015, aimed at raising social awareness about rare diseases and disabilities, building knowledge about these diseases and challenges facing people and families affected by them.
What we do?
We share the knowledge and experience of the parents of a real Hero who struggles with a rare disease and disability. We give back the good that has happened to us and meets us every day. Together with you we are changing the world, step by step, to make it a better place, so that we can all live more consciously, share the GOOD that has POWER, POWER that multiplies when is shared.
It is not an activity aimed directly in favor of Boris. The BB Foundation does not support him financially, he does not collect funds for the rehabilitation of Boris, his stimulation, etc. … in other words, it is GOOD from Boris and his team for OTHERS.