The National Association of People with Rare and Congenital Disorders (RIROSZ) has now organized World Rare Diseases Day for the 17th time. This time in cooperation with the University of Sopron, Hospital of Sopron, New Medical Center. Each year the program is designed to create a forum where all stakeholders, involved in rare diseases, can come together, and discuss the situation of those who are living with these diseases. The international central theme of this year’s RDD is “Show your Colors”. This topic is particularly important now that, due to the coming EU Presidency and the awareness campaign connected to the 2nd National Plan for Rare Diseases Hungary. There were several useful programs for families as well, like patient organizations presentation booths, poster session, press conference, Play Space for the little ones, with built up inside playground, handcraft, entertainment, and cultural programs. HUFERDIS took care about art as well with the Rare Beauties Collection exhibition, which is part of the program since many years. We organized another exhibition from the winning photos of the “Happy Moments of People living with Rare Diseases” photo competition 2024. in the hotel, and another in the Cultural Center od Sopron from the latest years. HUFERDIS is also a partner organization of University of Pécs to manage a satellite program of Rare Diseases Day in Pécs.