Geoffray and his sister (who is 8 years older than he is) have suffered from poor sight since birth, without a precise diagnosis. Geoffray had… Continue reading Meet Geoffray

Available online, the official Rare Disease Day poster, is out now! Based on the theme of RESEARCH, the poster embraces the possibilities that research can bring, a… Continue reading THE OFFICIAL RARE DISEASE DAY 2017 POSTER IS OUT NOW!

Research brings hope to people living with a rare disease The Rare Disease Day 2017 theme is research. The Rare Disease Day slogan is ‘With research, possibilities… Continue reading BREAKING NEWS: 2017 Rare Disease Day theme is announced

Watch our Rare Disease Day highlights slideshow! First of all, a big THANK YOU for all of your efforts. Rare Disease Day 2016 was bigger… Continue reading Thank you for another successful year!

EURORDIS is very pleased to announce that our Rare Disease Day 2016 Ambassador is Sean Hepburn Ferrer; the eldest son of the late actress and… Continue reading Rare Disease Day 2016 Ambassador

With less than 2 weeks until Rare Disease Day 2016, each one of us can show our solidarity as together we raise awareness for people living with… Continue reading Less than 2 weeks to go – 5 ways to get involved!

  On the 29 February, the rarest day of the year, patients around the world will ‘Join us in making the voice of rare diseases… Continue reading #RareDiseaseDay momentum is global and growing!

We are delighted to share with you the 2016 Rare Disease Day video which you can watch here! We invite you to share it on social… Continue reading Out now! The 2016 Rare Disease Day video!

Elisa is 18 years old and was born in Treviso, Italy where she lives with her parents Sergio and Catia. Elisa is living with Williams… Continue reading Meet Elisa!