The story of Kimboineng

It’s always the same story
First, we feel something wrong
We go to doctor
S(he)examines us
And tell us “Come back if it goes on”
We come back
They prescribe examinations, endless examinations every single day.
1 month goes by,
Then 2, then 5,
1 year and so on

You become disturbed and lose self confidence, social life , studies and much more.

After years of suffering and enduring pain they diagnose us with rare disease that too multiple kinds.
Sjögren’s syndrome,
Lid Margin Keratinization,
Systemic Lupus Eythematosus,

Yes I have multiple Rare Chronic Illnesses
You may not hear my name or about my illness on the news and sometimes not even doctors have seen such cases in their lives.

Life me though, thousands of other people are battling everyday with investigated disease and sadly, incurable .
Fighting for lives. Daily!

It’s always the same story.
Always the same story.